Liaden Wiki

Liaden Clans are governed by the Council of Clans

Book of Clans[]

Book of Clans

Book of Clans is a directory of all the Liaden clans — including clans living on the Homeworld Liad and on other Liaden Worlds. It includes clan name and status, lines, delm, sigil, motto, location, etc.[1] Clan information is collected in the Annual Census of Clans, on file with the Council of Clans, in Solcintra. [2]

“The Book is an administrative tool, used by the Council to track its membership."[3]
“Being written out of the Book of Clans does not constitute the dissolution of a clan."[3] It does signify a loss of status.
“There was talk of removing whole clans from the Book, in order to keep society safe, you know, from those who might influence the unwary...” [4]

Exclusively Liaden[]

Terrans are listed in the Terran Census[5] but some Liadens have sought — without success — to include them in the Book of Clans:

“There are those Scouts— and other misinformed persons— who urge that the Book of Clans be expanded to include certain non-Liaden persons. I say to the Council now, the day the Book of Clans includes a Terran among its pages is the day Liad begins to fall!” —Excerpted from remarks made before the Council of Clans by the chairperson of the Coalition to Abolish the Liaden Scouts[6]

Definition of Clan[]

The qe'andras' most basic definition of a viable clan: A clan “stood by its charter; sheltered and protected its members; supplied itself; negotiated new contracts, and honored its existing agreements.” [3]

Clan Wars[]

Ladder-Climbing Clans

excerpt Scout’s Progress

Some clans no longer exist. The clans vie for supremacy, often with treachery, sometimes to the death. This came to a new height about two centuries ago, roughly SY 1190 —see Timeline — during what history refers to as the clan wars. At this time, Jen Sin yos'Phelium was a master pilot in his prime, called home from The Scouts to deliver a packet for delm Korval. He was not able to deliver the packet, due to betrayal.

“It has come to be thought, by the succeeding delms of Korval, that it was fortunate this packet was never delivered. The scheme outlined would have destroyed Korval, and Delium itself. As it was, Sinan was wiped from the board in the aftermath of treachery, and Rinork, too. Korval and Vaazemir survived.” [7]

Extinct Clans[]

Some of these clans died out or were dissolved during the clan wars.

  • Kiladi — “Kiladi. Yes. A joke there. Very nearly a Scout’s joke. But Kiladi, for all it had been Liaden before its dissolution, was no bloodline belonging to Clan Korval.” See also Jen Sar Kiladi [8]
  • Rinork - [7]
  • Sinan - “Sinan was wiped from the board in the aftermath of treachery, and Rinork, too. Korval and Vaazemir survived.” [7]
  • etc. (not complete)

Clans alphabetical[]

The Code on clan hierarchy

Clan System Hierarchy

"Liadens stood together in clans; a sizable portion of their own personal melant'i was tied up in the honor of their clan and their kin."[9]

A to H[]

Clan Abra (high? mid? low?) apparently wealthy from ill-gotton gains[10]

  • Delm Abra (M)[10] whose personal name is Har Per[11]
"Don Eyr was given various menial tasks that took him to the borders of Low and Mid-Port, Abra having ownership of many of the most disreputable houses on that border."[10]

Clan Aragon (High House[12])

  • 12th century: It is said that to say Aragon makes porcelains would be as much an understatement as to say that Korval makes pilots.[13]
  • Delm Aragon (M)[14]
  • Vin Sin chel'Mara -- (M) card sharp, who loses a ship to Aelliana Caylon[12]
  • Sofi pel'Tegin -- (M) the delm's sister, in charge of the clan's plantation on Aedyr[14]
  • "Aragon's third daughter", a passing acquaintance of Pat Rin's[15]
  • Beldyn chel'Mara -- (F) formerly a scout known to Val Con, subverted to the DOI[16]
  • a daughter from a contract with Alara chel'Voyon, clan Silari[17]

Clan Asta (High? mid?)

  • Delm Asta was moved to send a message of solidarity to Delm Korval after Anne was insulted by Delm Sykun at one of yo'Lanna's gathers (which implies that Asta was also present at the gather)[18]

Clan Aziel (high? mid? low?)

  • based in Solcintra, members include merchants, Healers, and Scouts[19]
  • Tol Ven yo'Endoth - (M) Survey Scout, first to learn the ways of the Sanilithe[19]

Clan Baling (not High)

  • Khana vo'Daran - (M) Lord Rinork's valet[20], as his uncle was before him[21]

Clan Bindan (Mid House[22])

  • Gath tel'Izak -- (F) Delm Bindan[23][24]
  • Samiv tel'Izak -- (F) the pilot to whom Daav was engaged[22][24]

Clan Casaro

Clan Chad

  • mid-level House allied with Korval[26]
  • Lines: Wespail (not the delm's line)[26]
  • Dema Wespail -- Thodelm, pilot[26][27]

Clan Danut (Outworld)

  • A small clan with their principal warehouse on a planet (name not given) on the route between Lufkit and Lytaxin
  • Invoke their war-impaired shipping clause when Lytaxin is invaded[28]

Clan Dartom (Outworld)

  • wiped out by a plague, along with the entire population of the outworld on which they were based, about 50 years before Balance of Trade[29]

dea'Gauss - Line name is perhaps also the clan name, for dea'Gauss is indeed clanned:

"Your lordship of course is not conversant with all the details of our House," Mr. dea'Gauss interrupted. He inclined his head. "I welcome this opportunity to further strengthen the bonds between our clans."[30]

Clan Deshnol[31]

Clan Diot (high? mid? low?)

Clan Ebrim (high? mid?)

  • Vestin yos'Thomaz -- (F) genetic mother of Padi yos'Galan[35]

Clan Elarnt (High or high Mid)[36]

  • Solit trading family long affiliated with Korval in general and yos’Galan in particular
  • Azia pel’Otra

Clan Erob (Outworld, based on Lytaxin; lines: Tiazan, primary, tel'Vosti, secondary)

Clan Etgora (“high-tier Mid House” with aspirations of promotion[37])

  • del'Fordan (delm's line) (badge: "the glass and star"[38]) (a trading clan, the star-trade[37]
  • 12th century: two traders, named only as "del'Fordan" and "del'Fordan's heir" (both M), are among the allies invited to Norn ven'Deelin's dinner party[38]
  • Hin Ber del'Fordan -- (M) Etgora Himself[37][27]
  • Jen Dal del'Fordan -- (M) son & Nadelm[37]
  • Kesa del'Fordan -- (F) daughter aged perhaps 12 standards[37]

Clan Flenik (Outworld)

  • one of Korval's trading partners
  • Delm Flenik (F)[39]

Clan Forban[17]

  • Formerly a long-standing ally of Silari, before taking opposite sides over Korval's actions in I Dare (The Rifle's First Wife)

Clan Gabrian[27]

  • mid-level House[26]
  • Lines: Anaba[26]
  • Len Sar Anaba -- Port merchant, a favored dining partner of Lady yo'Lanna[26][27]

Clan Grenada

  • mentioned in the will of a Scout killed at Nev'lorn[40]

Clan Guayar (High[41]; lines: ter'Meulen, primary)

Clan Hedrede (High[42]; lines: jo'Bern, primary)

I to Q[]

Clan Idvantis (high? mid?)

  • Anthara ter'Gasta - (F) Scout Commander[43]
  • Nasil ter'Gasta - (?) a guest at one of yo'Lanna's gathers, known to Daav[27]

Clan Imtal (High House)[15]

  • Delm Imtal -- (F)[15]
  • Fal Den ter'Antod -- (M) who nominated his friend Pat Rin to close out his debt book[15]

Clan Ithik (middling) [citation needed]

  • Lines: ven'Rudan [citation needed]

Clan Ixin (High House[14]; lines: ven'Deelin, primary)

Clan Ixin badge

Clan Ixin sigil

Clan Jabun (Outworld, based on Casia)

  • a High Clan by local reckoning; clan of pilots
“its rightful place among Casia’s High Houses”[39]
  • Meriandra (delm's line)
  • ? (M), delm[44]
  • Elsu Meriandra (F), his daughter[44]
  • Cyrbet Meriandra (F), her daughter[39]

Clan Justus (High; lines: yo'Lanna, primary)[45]

Clan Kenso (Outworld, based on Lytaxin)

  • the aggressors in the Lytaxin revolt[46]
  • Kel Bar Rentava, a leader in the revolt[46]

Clan Kia (probably mid or high because they are trading partners with Korval. Courier 12 at Nev'lorn, but pilot rescued in time.[40]

Clan Kinth (mid? high? low?)

  • Geastera vin'Daza -- (F) attempts revenge on Delm Korval for the death of her lover in the Battle of Solcintra[3]
Korval lapel pin insignia

Clan Korval Tree & Dragon sigil

Clan Korval (Korval; lines: yos'Phelium, primary, yos'Galan, secondary, bel'Tarda)

Clan Lazmeln (? high /mid, based on Shan’s contract marriage to a Lazmeln)[47] second-nearest neighbors to Jelaza Kazone[48]

  • delm's line: del'Pemridj[48]
  • Delm Lazmeln (F)[48]
  • the delm's sister (F)[48]
  • Nadelm Lazmeln (M), son of the delm's sister[48]
  • Bobrin del'Pemridj (F), a lady of Daav's acquaintance[37]
  • Toragin del'Pemridj (F), granddaughter of the delm's sister and niece of the nadelm[48]
  • A daughter with pilot potential from a contract marriage with Shan yos'Galan.[47]

Clan Lydberg (Mid House)

  • A "cousin-house" of Clan Mizel. The Mizel nursery is fostered with them.[49][50]
  • Voni pel'Dina (f), bosom friend of Birin Caylon Clan Mizel, foster mother to Mizel's nursery[50]
  • (m), Voni's brother, the late delm[50]
  • (f), the new delm[50]

Clan Lysta (middling)

  • unnamed person who was delm in 1382[25]
  • unnamed male person who was nadelm in 1382 and delm in 1393, a playwright manqué[25]
  • Ichliad Brunner (M), of part-Terran descent via Thrugood Brunner; a master meteorologist[25]
  • Verena (F), young cousin[25]

Clan Mandor (high? mid? low?)

  • Involved in a land dispute with Pyx, which Pyx called on the Council of Clans to settle (and which was settled in Mandor's favour)[51]

Clan Menlark (Outworld, based on Eylot)[52]

  • ven'Arith (delm's line); "pilots for hire, the lot of us"
  • Kara ven'Arith, Theo's schoolmate and friend
  • Kara's mother, the delm;[53]
  • Uncle Bon Sel, who runs a repair shop[52] at Portcalay;[54]
  • Aunt Feramayn, a prize-winning gardener;[55]
  • an uncle who lives in Chonselta on Liad[53]

Clan Midys (Mid House[14])

  • 12th century: Rantel pin'Aker, Master Trader on Barskalee[56]
  • 12th century: Samay pin'Aker, his niece, assistant trade accountant on Barskalee, a'thodelm pin'Aker[57]
  • Var Mon pin'Aker -- (M) Rema's partner, 18 Standards[14]
  • Lyn Den Kochi -- (M) Var Mon's cha'leket, 17 Standards[14]
  • Var Mon pin'Aker's mother -- (F) also Lyn Den Kochi's aunt[58]
  • Lyn Den Kochi's father -- (M)[58]

Clan Mizel (Low Mid House[14]; lines: Caylon, primary)

Clan Monfit

  • a small trading clan, with one ship
  • jit'Luso is probably the primary line, but Kishara jit'Luso is the only family member to be explicitly surnamed
  • Bry Sen -- (M) delm[59]
  • Kishara jit'Luso -- (F) Bry Sen's niece, a vas'dramliz[60][59]
  • Troodi -- (F) Bry Sen's niece and Kishara's younger sister[59]
  • Ern Din -- (M) cousin to Kishara[59]

Clan Natis

  • Extinguished c.12th century, made an example of by the Council of Clans. Two members of the clan were executed while the delm was forced to watch, then the delm, the two thodelms, and their heirs were sent into indentured servitude while the remaining clan members were forced to join other clans.[59]

Clan Nexon (Mid House[61])

Clan Nosko (mid? low?)

  • 13th century
    • Delm Nosko -- (M)[65]
    • Cyra chel'Vona -- (F) his niece, a jeweler[65]
  • 14th century
    • Kelby chel'Vona -- (M) a Scout on Surebleak[66]

Clan Obrelt (Outworld, based on Casia)[44][39]

  • dea'Judan (delm’s line); shopkeepers
  • Arn Eld dea'Judan (M), delm
  • Chane dea'Judan (F), Arn Eld's sister, thodelm
  • Ren Zel dea'Judan (M), nephew to Arn Eld and Chane, a pilot
  • Eba dea'Judan (F), youngest of Ren Zel's three elder sisters
  • Farin dea'Judan (F), eldest of Ren Zel's three elder sisters
  • Arn Eld's successor as delm
  • Wil Bar dea'Judan (M), Chane's successor as thodelm
  • Son Dor dea'Judan (M)
  • Den Ton dea'Judan (M), who calls Chane "grand-aunt"

Clan Ochrad

  • Chi yos'Phelium arranged an alliance between Korval and Vishna to deny Ochrad an advantage[67]

Clan Omterth

  • Beslin vin'Tenzing -- (F) a trader (experienced but not Master level) on Habista; seeks Balance for the death of her heir[68][69]
  • Kyr Nin vin'Tensing -- her heir, killed when Korval fired on Solcintra[68]
Note- Beslin stranded her Security Officer Tef Lej pen'Erit on Surebleak, so his clan, in service to Omterth for centuries, apparently disowned him. [70] He now goes by Lefty, Quin’s second hand. [71]

Clan Persage (Outworld, based on Avontai[72])

  • associated with Clan Hedrede[72]
  • Bre Din sig'Ranton -- (M) the gentleman into whose very hands the dulciharp must be placed (aka Rose)[72]
  • (F) his grandmother, who was Dath jo'Bern's cha'leket[72]

Clan Pinarex

  • Line kaz'Ineo has a history of producing respected qe'andra[73]
  • Delm Pinarex (?)[74]
“Clan Pinarex. Her delm desired her to find if Surebleak had need of them.”[74]
  • Ms kaz'Ineo -- (F), a qe'andra who opens for business on Surebleak and trains apprentice Jorish Hufstead, formerly Kalhoon’s cornerman, for the Storefront Qe'andra Project[3][74]

Clan Plemia (High; Lines: Olanek, primary, Yo’Vaade, secondary)

Clan Pyx (high? mid? low?)

  • Involved in a land dispute with Mandor, which Pyx called on the Council of Clans to settle (and which was settled in Mandor's favour)[51]

Clan Quiptic (Mid House, dissolved c. SY 1100)

  • Quiptic Himself -- (M) inherited the delm's ring young; was entrapped and outmaneuvred by Infreya chel'Gaibin, clan Rinork, leading to the dissolution of his clan and his suicide[75]
  • Tan Sim pen'Akla, born to clan Quiptic -- (M) son of the last Delm Quiptic by Infreya chel'Gaibin clan Rinork; following the dissolution of the clan, was adopted into his mother's clan, Rinork (q.v.)[75]
    • “the only reason Rinork started the kid in the first place was to trap Quiptic and steal his mines”[76]

R to Z[]

Clan Ranvit (mid? low?)

  • Ban Del pak'Ora -- (M) butler at Trealla Fantrol[77] until recalled by Ezern pak'Ora Delm Ranvit.[78] See Intelligent Design
  • Ezern pak'Ora -- (F) Delm from c. SY 1375, not noted for subtlety (nor for good sense)[78]
  • Wal Tor pak'Ora -- (M) Ezern's predecessor as Delm[78]

Clan Reptor (Mid House)

  • Zan Der pel'Kirmin -- (M) Reptor Himself, soft body and sandy hair; bright, intelligent eyes, about 40 Standards,[79] Yolan's father and Sed Ric's uncle[26]
  • Yolan pel'Kirmin -- (F) ] aka[79]
  • Sed Ric bin'Ala -- (M) ] "the pirates"[79]
  • "Uncle Lip Ten", who left Yolan and Sed Ric a crate of things he'd gathered, star-hopping[80]
  • "Aunt Fris", who said it was junk and wished them joy of it[80]
  • "Cousin Peri, who kept warehouse on Mordra"[26]
  • a boy of around eight Standard Years[79]
  • a girl of around nine Standard Years[79]

Clan Rinork (High[75]; lines: chel'Gaibin, primary). This clan is now extinct.

“Sinan was wiped from the board in the aftermath of treachery, and Rinork, too. Korval and Vaazemir survived.”[7]

Clan Rugare (not high)

Clan Sinan - not much info, but Sinan appears to have worked against Korval. Jen Sin yos'Phelium was to raise Delium and deliver a packet 198 years ago — “Not that this was the riskiest mission he had undertaken at the Delm’s Word during this late and ongoing season of foolishness with Clan Sinan and their allies.”[83] Sinan died out due to clan wars [7]

Clan Selbry (Outworld, based on Eylot)[52]

  • vin'Eved (delm's line)
  • -- (F), delm
  • Lef Nal vin'Eved -- (M), a student pilot who graduated from Anlingdin Piloting Academy at the same time as Kara ven'Arith

Clan Serat (high? mid? low?) -- wealth gambled away by the Delm by the time Don Eyr returns from Parisian Lutetia (Degrees of Separation)

  • Delm's line: fer'Gasta[84]
  • Clan colors: puce and green[10]
  • (M) Delm[84]
  • Vyk Tor -- (M) Nadelm, son of the delm[84][10]
  • Don Eyr -- (M) deceased, the current delm's father and predecessor[84]
  • Telma fer'Gasta -- (F) deceased, the current delm's sister; banished by a delm jealous of his authority to tend the clan's outworld business interests on Ezhel'ti, committed suicide after those interests were destroyed in a market crash[84]
  • Don Eyr -- (M) Telma's son,[84] "the least of the clan's children", a baker[85][86]

Clan Severt (Mid House, based in Chonselta)[87]

  • Jow Lit pen'Chapen -- (M) Delm, given to intrigues and gambles to increase the clan's position
  • Manza pen'Chapen -- (F) Nadelm, Jow Lit's daughter. Becomes Delm after Jow Lit.
  • Elza pen'Chapen -- (F) Jow Lit's daughter. Deceased.
  • Tom Lei pen'Chapen -- (M) Elza's son, a sergeant in The Mercs specializing in languages, protocol. Also known as Tommy Lee

Clan Shelart ( allied with Clan Korval: "As nearly allied as the clans were, he had to wish to exchange extended pleasantries with Merchant bel'Urik today." Daav, in Mouse & Dragon)[42]

  • mid-level House[26]
  • Lines: bel'Urik[26]
  • Gus Tav bel'Urik -- (M) Port merchant[26][42]
  • Dela bel'Urik -- (F) an acquaintance of Pat Rin's[15]

Clan Silari (? High or high-Mid, since contract-partners are Aragon, Korval)[17]

  • Valad chel'Voyan -- (M) Delm
"Delm Silari, long thought to be bordering his dotage, not unexpectedly favoring the Korval side of the business of the great hole put in Liad by Korval’s forces." [17]
"His having been a deciding vote in allowing the quite young Pat Rin yos’Phelium into Teydor’s"[17]
"Silari had been the subordinate business partner in an arrangement generations old … Forban supporting the Council, Silari – in the person of Delm Valad chel’Voyon – had opted out of the partnership"[17]

Clan Simesta (middling)

  • Lines: sel'Mindruyk (delm's line), Yoltak
  • Clanhouse in Chonselta
  • Derani sel'Mindruyk (?), delm[88]
  • Rel Vad Yoltak (M), Agent of the Department of the Interior[88]

Clan Sykun

  • either High or high Mid, as Delm Sykun was on yo'Lanna's guest list until she chose to offer Korval insult[18]
  • insulted Thodelmae yos'Galan / Anne Davis:
  • Er Thom took a hard breath. "Delm Sykun found it fitting to turn her back upon Thodelmae yos'Galan at a public gather this morning..... Mr. dea'Gauss has been instructed to sell any stock yos'Galan may hold in Sykun's concerns—at a loss, if necessary, and noisily. Letters of cancellation have been issued on all contracts yos'Galan holds with Sykun. Mr. dea'Gauss has advised that he will also be selling his private holdings of Sykun business."[18]

Clan Tamishon (Outworld)

  • the clan Miri-eklykt'i was to have been contracted to[46]
  • not clear whether it's a local Lytaxin clan, but that seems most likely

Clan Tangier (mid ? high ? low?)

  • Zed ter'Janpok - Delm, a chef[89]

Clan Tanitha (mid? high?)

  • one of the clans that helped the vas'dramliz escape the purge[4]

Clan Tarnia (Outworld, based on Irikwae)

  • Maarilex (delm's line); badge: "a grapevine, heavy with fruit"; noted winemakers[90][13]
  • Stafeli Maarilex - (F) Delm, with a fearsome reputation; Norn ven'Deelin's foster mother[90]
  • Ren Lar Maarilex - (M) her son, master of the vine[13]
  • Pet Ric Maarilex - (M) his son[13]
  • Meicha Maarilex - (F) a twin[13]
  • Miandra Maarilex - (F) a twin[13]
  • Pan Dir - (M) (Line not specified) a son of the house presently on Liad to complete his education[91]

Clan Telrune (Outworld, based on Echieta)[92]

“nor does Clan Telrune appear to stand high among those Clans seated there."[36]
  • lines: cho'Fadria (delm's line), pen'Uldra[92]
  • Delm Telrune (M)
  • Jai Kob cho'Fadria (M)
  • Jezmin cho'Fadria (F)
  • Vin Dir cho'Fadria (M)[93]
  • Arl Fed pen'Uldra (M), trader and trade commissioner
  • his lifemate (F)
  • their child [not explicitly stated, but probably daughter given the list of family heirlooms][36]
  • Fer Gun pen'Uldra (M), Daav's father[18], last of the Line[93], heir and grandson of Arl Fed[36]
    • Arl Fed had been for many years an influence in the Divers Trade Association (one of 12 seated commissioners -- 6 Liaden and 6 Terran -- and 1 of 24 ombudsman), and owned at one time together with his lifemate a fleet of four small traders. The success of the Divers Trade Association made its members targets of pirates. Losing his ships, lifemate and children to enemy attacks, he sought refuge with his heir and grandson Fer Gun at Echieta, with his cousins of Clan Telrune.[36]

Clan Tuxent (mid? high? low ?)

  • Har Par dea'Liss -- (M) a master of the Accountants Guild[94]
  • (F) a Scout Quin encounters on Surebleak[95] Roving Gambler

Clan Vakmont (High House)[27]

  • Lady Sera tel'Kai -- (F) a guest at one of yo'Lanna's gathers[27]

Clan Venari (Outworld)[39]

  • one of Korval's trading partners
  • Delm Venari (M)

Clan Vintyr

  • with whom Korval was engaged in unsatisfactory negotiations[96]

Clan Vishna

  • a lesser ally of Korval since Chi yos'Phelium's time[67]

Clan Vonlet[18]

Clan Wilkin (mid? high? low?)

  • Kez Rel ter'Ista -- (M) a physician at the clinic on Surebleak[97]

Clan Wylan (Low House)[98]

  • Solcintra
  • owner operator of the Serene Taxi Agency
  • dea'San (only line)
  • Vertu dea'San (F), delm
  • Fereda dea'San (F), Vertu's daughter
  • Chim Dal dea'San (M), Vertu's son

Clan Yedon (mid? high? low?)

  • Delm Yedon -- (F)[51]
  • Jin Del yo'Kera -- (M) Learned Scholar, Anne's colleague and friend[99][100][51]

Clan Yrbaiela (mid? high? low?)

  • Tor Ish tez'Oty -- (M) attempts revenge on Delm Korval for the death of his cha'leket in the Battle of Solcintra[3]

Clan Yron

  • mid-level House allied with Korval[26]
  • Lines: pen'Evrit (not the delm's line)[26]
  • Hae Den pen'Evrit -- (M) Thodelm, pilot[26]

Clan Ziergord (mid? high? low?)

  • An unnamed trader of this clan is mentioned in Balance of Trade[38]

by House Status[]

The number of High Houses is precisely fifty. And then there is Korval.
— from the Annual Census of Clans[101]


High Houses[]

unclear status[]

  • Abra
  • Asta
  • Aziel
  • Baling
  • Casaro
  • Deshnol
  • Diot
  • Ebrim
  • Elarnt
  • Forban
  • Gabrian
  • Grenada
  • Idvantis
  • Ithik
  • Kia
  • Kinth
  • Lazmeln
  • Lysta
  • Mandor
  • Monfit
  • Natis
  • Nosko
  • Ochrad
  • Omterth
  • Pinarex
  • Plemia
  • Pyx
  • Ranvit
  • Rugare
  • Serat
  • Silari
  • Simesta
  • Sykun
  • Tangier
  • Tanitha
  • Tuxent
  • Vintyr
  • Vishna
  • Vonlet
  • Wilkin
  • Yedon
  • Yrbaiela

Mid-Level Houses[]

  • Bindan - "a solid mid-level House"[22]
  • Chad[26]
  • dea'Gauss - dea’Gauss is situated within a clan [30] and I seem to recall high-mid-house
  • Etgora[37]
  • Lydberg[49]
  • Midys[14]
  • Mizel[14]
  • Nexon[61]
  • Quiptic - "lower mid-tier" at the time of its dissolution, c. SY 1100[75]
  • Reptor[citation needed]
  • Severt[87]
  • Shelart[26]
  • Yron[26]

Low Houses[]

Outworld Clans[]

Clans that settled on Liaden Worlds

Possibly Clan Sinan was outworld. ? Jen Sin yos'Phelium was to raise Delium and deliver a packet 198 years ago — “Not that this was the riskiest mission he had undertaken at the Delm’s Word during this late and ongoing season of foolishness with Clan Sinan and their allies.”[103] Also referred to as the clan wars (Neogenesis)

Lines with no clan name[]

Information about the clan is not provided, or there is no clan

  • al'Findosh, Kensi (F) - she is clanned, but clan name not stated. Luken bel'Tarda's assistant in his Solcintra High Port shop, she follows him to Surebleak and will manage his port annex rug shop[104]
Kensi al’Findosh .. . had been detained by the necessity to show her delm that this proposed move of hers to an outworld will profit the clan. I have had a letter from her recently which indicates that she has been successful in that project, and will be joining us here as quickly as might be.[104]
  • ana'Tak (F), at Jelaza Kazone, one of Korval's Employees, the cook on Surebleak[105][106])
  • ana'Tilesty (Jen (F), a Healer at Chonselta Healer Hall, who teaches Empathic Sensuality[107])
  • Andresi (Lord Andresi (M), a High House gentleman identified by Daav as "one of his mother's cronies"[37][27])
  • Artelma ((?), a composer[108])
  • as'Barta (Finlee (F), society page editor for the Gazette[36]; Chola (M), the Council-appointed Administrative Arbiter of Scouts[66])
  • Balatrin (Gil Don (M), third mate of Dutiful Passage[109])
  • ban'Teli (? (F), pastry cook to Clan Serat[84])
  • Barq ((?), Director of Chonselta Technical College[110])
  • bar'Abit (Melsilee (F), a Senior Field Agent of the Department of the Interior[67])
  • bar'Obin (Isphet (F), an Agent of Change[111] who first appears posing as a member of the Blair Street Patrol[112])
  • bel'Dona (Grasy (F), Healer and teacher of Healers at Fountaincourt Healer Hall, Solcintra Mid-Port[113])
  • bel'Fasin (San (M), to whom Ran Eld owes a considerable amount of money[114])
  • bel'Ulim (Vesa (F), host of the Garden Gate Café[115])
  • bel'Verand (? (F), Trade Mistress at Finifter[116])
  • bel'Vester (Bri And (M), emigrated to The Redlands to avoid the Council's purge[59])
  • bel'Witnin (Kar Sin (?), technician aboard Elthoria[117])
  • ben'Darble ((M), butler to Mr dea'Bon[10])
  • bey'Pasra (Her Nin (M), a Low Port criminal[118])
  • bin'Dekel ((M), a Master Tailor with premises on East Port Street in Chonsela[87])
  • bin'Flora ((M), merchant who buys Jethri's consignment of hand-loomed cellosilk[119]; Sisilli (M), a merchant specialising in textiles, a friendly rival of Luken bel'Tarda[120])
  • bin'Tabor ((?), an Agent of Change[121])
  • Byneta ((F), Master Gardener, head gardener at Jelaza Kazone in Chi's lifetime[36])
  • chel'Venga (? (?), a pawnbroker in Solcintra Low Port[65])
  • cor'Wellin ((?), presumable founder of cor'Wellin Warehousing[122])
  • Cozin (outworld?) ((?), a presumptuous tourist[123])
  • dea'Blanco (? (M), Captain of Coyander Kenso[116])
  • dea'Bon (? (M), qe'andra to Clan Serat; ? (?), his heir[84])
  • dea'Cort (Jon (M), a Scout[65], later Master Pilot and Daav's instructor at the Scout Academy[124], later proprietor of Binjali Repair Shop[12]; his son, a binjali pilot who died untimely[125])
  • dea'Feen ((?), possibly fictional central character of the famous melant'i play Of dea'Feen's Necessity by pel'Gorda[126])
  • dea'Gauss ((M), dea’Gauss is clanned, but the clan name isn’t revealed, or is the same as the Line name (Mouse & Dragon, ch 30). Korval's man of business,[37][77][127][96][128][129][18][130][115][131][42][132][133] one of the Masters of the Guild of Accountants[134]; (F), his heir[132][133]; one of his ancestors handled the paperwork for the founding of Clan Korval and the contract with the High Houses of Solcintra[135])
  • dea'Ken (Din Ref (?), was a hydroponics tech on Dutiful Passage[35])
  • dea'Ladd ((?), a Scout, killed at Nev'lorn)[40]
  • dea'Linea (associated with gambling in Solcintra Port; dissolved following "that tedious scandal"[15])
  • dea'Lorn (Eyla (F), society tailor with the patronage of Korval[136][96])
  • dea'Luziam (Daria (F), trainee Scout a year ahead of Val Con at the Academy, whom he loved, and grieved when she was killed on her Solo[137][138])
  • dea'Lystra (Del Orn (M), master of the Modrid Trade Hall[139])
  • dea'Maan (Bern (?), pilot serving on Daxflan[140])
  • dea'Manz (Valisa (?), Healer ensnared by the Department of the Interior[141])
  • dea'Nobli ((?), presumable creator of Pat Rin's show pistol[142])
  • dea'Starn (Fantile (F), an agent of the Liaden planetary council of qe'andra[87])
  • el'Fasyk ((?), fell foul of Tarona Rusk for failing to complete a task[143])
  • el'Thrassin (Shan (M), person appearing in Liaden literature who faced a difficult matter of Balance in days of old[144][145])
  • eys'Ornstahl (Mar Tyn (M), a Luck[118])
  • Ferin ((F), Master Healer at Millsap Healer Hall[146])
  • Fidin (Lys (F), one of Aelliana's students, "brilliant -- and outrageous", made First-In Scout[147])
  • gayn'Urlez ((M), the former proprietor of gayn'Urlez' Gambling Hell[118]; Rini (F), his sister, the current proprietor[118][113])
  • Galradin (Nik Laz (?), cargo-hand serving on Daxflan[140])
  • Gamkoda ((F), tutor to Syl Vor yos'Galan[148])
  • Glodae ((?), First Speaker, part of Korval's social circle when Nova was First Speaker for Korval[149])
  • her'With((?), of the qe'andra firm ver'Lyn and her'With[3])
  • Hopanik ((F), Master Pilot at Solcintra Pilot's Hall, signed Er Thom's second-class license[124])
  • Intassi ((F), an ex-Scout,[96] nurse to multiple generations of Korval's children[150]; Mil Ton (M), a Healer and storyteller[151])
  • ira'Barti (?), cargo master on Dutiful Passage after Ken Rik[152])
  • Ivrex ((?), a trader[153])
  • Jarl ((M), Master Pilot at Chonselta Pilot's Hall, supervised Aelliana's testing for second-class license[147])
  • Jinmaer (Frad, a Scout, a cartographer, formerly one of Daav's teammates and remained a close friend[18][154][155])
  • jin'Bardi ((M), lives on Lytaxin, serves in the Irregulars during the Yxtrang invasion)[156]
  • ker'Eklis ((M), one of Syl Vor's tutors[157])
  • ker'Emit (outworld, perhaps Moraldan) ((M), a presumptuous tourist[123])
  • kez'Rofer (Isahra (F), who stands close to Claidyne ven'Orikle's heart[158]
  • Kiladi (Jen Sar (M))
  • Kinrae (Fil Tor (M), the man who abducted Anne and Shan; owing allegience to the DOI, he gave no clan in his introduction[127])
  • kin'Joyt (outworld?) ((F), a presumptuous tourist[123])
  • kor'Entec (Alisa (F), trader on Irikwae[159])
  • Kornad (Pallin (M), serves on Dutiful Passage, teaches self-defence[160][161]
  • lar'Adrin ((M), agent of the Department of the Interior who bought Rys Lin pen'Chala's contract[162])
  • lo'Vanna (Cochel (?), shipbuilder of high repute[25])
  • Ne'Zame (Kayzin (F), first mate of Dutiful Passage[63][26], Conflict of Honors; Shadia (F), a First-In scout, Carpe Diem, Plan B; Shadia's daughter[164])
  • ni'Mauryx (ni'Mauryx Vineyard[165])
  • Ongit (staff at Ongit's restaurant include "the elder Mr Ongit";[166][167] "the second Mr Ongit";[42] and two youngsters, Pendra Ongit (F) and Felae Ongit (M), who are siblings[42])
  • Onida (Bon Vit (M), the third agent of the Department of the Interior to be successfully returned to himself by a deliberate outside effort[168])
  • orn'Verz ((M), cook at Mizel's clanhouse[50])
  • Osit ((M), Healer at Millsap Healer Hall[146])
  • oyl'Erin (Nanti (F), runs the Bakery school in Solcintra Low Port[113])
  • pak'Epron (? (M), butler to Clan Serat[84])
  • paz'Kormit (? (M)[11])
  • pel'Arot (Rod Ern (M), Scout Pilot, missing three fingers on one hand[124])
  • pel'Bisit (Chona (F), high-ranking member of the Department of the Interior[169])
  • pel'Cheela ((F), Val Con's nurse[170])
  • pel'Ena ((F), butler at Glavda Empri[50])
  • pel'Esla ((F), nurse to Mik and Shindi[171])
  • pel'Endra ((?), presumable discoverer of the pel'Endra Ratio used in pilot math[110])
  • pel'Gorda ((?), playwright, author of the famous melant'i play Of dea'Feen's Necessity[126])
  • pel'Iso ((?), Agent of Change sent unsuccessfully against Anthora[172])
  • pel'Jonna ((M), tutor to Padi yos'Galan[148])
  • pel'Kana ("Mr. pel'Kana" (M), butler at Jelaza Kazone when Daav was delm[173]; "the young Mr. pel'Kana" (M), butler at Jelaza Kazone when Val Con is delm[105][106])
  • pel'Kosta ((M), handyman hired to help get Mizel's clanhouse back in order[50])
  • pel'Mandra (Pequi (F), stationed at Liad Defense Station Five[133])
  • pel'Mather (Kar Min (M), an agent of the Department of the Interior[174])
  • pel'Meret (Kilon (F), bystander during the battle of Solcintra; Nev Art (M), her son; (F), his grandmother)[121]
  • pel'Nara (Karin (F), Agent of Change leading Uplift Team on Vandar[175])
  • pel'Naria (Osa (F), Operative of the Department of the Interior assigned to track Arin's Toss[176])
  • pel'Nyan ((F), a High House lady[37])
  • pel'Oban (Zer Min (M), dancing instructor on Irikwae[177])
  • pel'Odma (Zar Kin (M), a shrewd trader of Er Thom's acquaintence[163])
  • pel'Odyare ((F), Scout Linguist, Master level, favorably reviewed Anne's book[178])
  • pel'Quida (Nil Ten (M), pilot stationed at Chonselta Guild Hall[179])
  • pel'Quinot (Verisa (F), Scholar at Scout Academy, issued the invitation for Aelliana to teach there[180])
  • pel'Rula (Lord pel'Rula, intended to contract with Voni; Lady pel'Rula, his mother; the family is higher than Caylon by enough that the match is described as "a coup, indeed"[181])
  • pel'Saba (Mr. (M), butler to Tarnia[91])
  • pel'Tolian (Vesker (M), Pat Rin's manservant[15][182])
  • pel'Varn ((F), Thodelm[15])
  • pen'Chala (an outworld clan that specialised in vines and wines) (Rys Lin (M), Field Agent ofThe Department of the Interior [183]; Ifry (F), his next-eldest sibling[69]; Maysl (F), their grandmother[184])
  • pen'Chouka ((M), one of the conspirators involved in Perdition Enterprises[126])
  • pen'Dela ((F), employed by the firm of dea'Gauss[131])
  • pen'Ebit (Kilara (F), technician aboard Elthoria[185])
  • pen'Edrik (Jazla (F), pilot employed at Korval's Solcintra Dispatch Office[186])
  • pen'Erit (Tef Lej (M), security officer on Habista[68][69][187])
  • pen'Valer ((?), a social acquaintance of Clan Severt[87])
  • per'Cadmie ((M), Trader on Korval ship Sevyenti[188])
  • per'Etla (Gar Sad (M), cargo master of Elthoria[38])
  • per'Timbral (Endele (F), a gardener[151])
  • pin'Epel ((?), Master Pilot who tested the young Rys Lin pen'Chala for pilot-aptitude[189])
  • pin'Eport ((M), an Operative of the Department of the Interior stationed on Gondola[190][191])
  • pin'Ethil (Bor Gen (M), Mechanic First Class on Dutiful Passage[124])
  • pin'Weltir ((M), a gamester of Pat Rin's acquaintence[120])
  • Quenpalt ((?), presumable owner of Quenpalt's Casino[129])
  • ren'Gelder (Per Sea (M), Pilot Guild Master[154])
  • Robir ((?), Master Pilot, taught Er Thom and Daav their first piloting equations[124])
  • ro'Menlin (Lyada (F), person appearing in Liaden literature, whom Shan el'Thrassin loved but could not spare[192])
  • san'Doval ((F), field agent of the Department of the Interior on Vandar[175])
  • sea'Kira (? (?), Captain of Genchi[193])
  • sel'Iprith (Olwen (F), Scout Lieutenant, an old and dear friend of Daav's[194], they were teammates when Daav was a Scout[18][195])
  • sen'Ager (Iridyce (F), Commander of Agents after Bar Vad yo'Tornier[196])
  • sen'Elba (Trilla (F), a dark-skinned Outworlder, Jon dea'Cort's second-in-command at Binjali's[12][197][198] and subsequently his successor as proprietor[199])
  • sen'Equa (a family with Terran roots (the name is derived from "Seneca"), which runs gambling houses in Solcintra Port; Betea (F)[15])
  • sen'Lora (Ivdra (?), Scout Commander who certified Jeeves as sentient[78])
  • sen'Pero (Aazali (F), a Healer[200][113]; her mother was Ahteya, who may also have been a sen'Pero but this is not explicitly stated[201][113])
  • ser'Lindri (Ban Del (M), who made Kamele's acquaintance on Hoselteen[202])
  • ser'Trishan (Vazineth (F), the second agent of the Department of the Interior to be successfully returned to herself by a deliberate outside effort[203])
  • sig'Andir ((M), lost at pikit to Vin Sen chel'Mara[12])
  • sig'Attaj ((F), a Surebleak Scout[204])
  • sig'Ella (Tonee (?), radio tech on Dutiful Passage[205])
  • sig'Endra (Ter Ans (M), Healer and Scout stationed at Volmer Healer Hall[165])
  • sig'Erlan (Dil Ton (M), Trader stationed on Mandrake[153])
  • sig'Eva (Dus Tin (M), driver employed at Korval's primary shipyard in Solcintra[206])
  • sig'Flava (Parvet (F), who propositions Jethri in Balance of Trade[38])
  • sig'Harat (Tilba (F), a master Healer at Irikwae's Healer Hall[207])
  • sig'Lorta (Ena Tyl (M), trader, Jethri's mentor at Irikwae's Trade Hall[159])
  • sig'Norba (Montet (F), Field Scout[208])
  • sig'Radia (? (F), a Scout Captain[65]; Cho (F), Senior Scout, Scout Inspector Specialist[89], had taught finger-talk at Scout Academy[209]; ? (F), Acting Scout Commander, about Daav's age[40])
  • sig'Sted ((F), a pilot employed by vee'Mastin Lines[66])
  • sig'Zerba (Per Vel (M), med tech in the service of Clan Erob[210])
  • tal'Qechee ((M), who owns businesses in the Low Port and pays rent to Abra[11][113])
  • tel'Bana (Drusil (F), student and academic heir of Jin Del yo'Kera[99])
  • tel'Brakin ((?), trade master on Pale Wing[211])
  • tel'Brieri ((F), qe'andra who adjudicated the breaking of the contract between Korval and Bindan[130])
  • tel'Denvit (Ceola (F), owner-operator of The Friendly Glass; Min (F), her sister; their mother; their grandmother[212])
  • tel'Dorbit (Gaenor (F), first mate of Elthoria[213]) - clan sigil is "a geometric representation of three cut jewels, red, green, and blue"[214]
  • tel'Iquin ((F), the ever-amiable Scout Lieutenant[124])
  • tel'Jadis (Pimm (?), first mate of Daxflan[215]
  • tel'Juna ((M), a Scout Lieutenant, a friend of Ceola tel'Denvit's mother[212])
  • tel'Linden (a trader encountered on Verstal[20])
  • tel'Ofong (Jax Ton (M)[85])
  • tel'Ossa (Parin (F), an apprentice at Irikwae's Trade Hall[159])
  • tel'Ozan (Qiarta (M), a field technician, one of Aelliana's students[110])
  • tel'Pyton (Bed War (M), Master Tea Merchant, business associate of Er Thom and Shan[15])
  • tel'Vana (Tor Cam (M), Eyes of the Council of Clans on Casia[44])
  • tel'Vaster ((M), Tolly's former employer[216])
  • tel'Woda (Zena (F), a dramliza who fell victim to the Department[94])
  • ten'Ornold (Ilbar (M), technician of the Department of the Interior on Vandar[175])
  • ten'Veila (Baz Lyr (M), member of the Department of the Interior overseeing recruitment of dramliz[217])
  • ter'Asten (Var Ond (?), lifemate and delmae of Edil yos'Phelium Delm Korval[218])
  • ter'Astin (Jan Rek (M), Scout Captain[144])
  • ter'Fendil ((M), an Agent of Change, formerly a Scout[121])
  • ter'Menth ((F), one of the conspirators involved in Perdition Enterprises[126])
  • ter'Volla ((M), a Scout lieutenant serving with the Surebleak Street Patrol[98])
  • tor'Beli (Mrs. (F), cook to Tarnia[177])
  • van'Kie (Sye Mon (M), the first agent of the Department of the Interior to be successfully returned to himself by a deliberate outside effort[219])
  • van'Lorin (Hestya (M), a Healer at the clinic on Surebleak[97])
  • vas'Anamac (Menolly (F), Healer, Scout, hunter of Old Tech, first mate of Chandra Marudas)[220]
  • vas'Tezin (Kin Jal (M), a section head within the Department of the Interior[221])
  • vas'Urbil (Mae Nir (M), head chef in Arba's clanhouse[10])
  • vay'Elin (Kethi (F), Master Healer associated with the DOI[222])
  • vee'Mastin (vee'Mastin Lines is a Liaden space line[66])
  • vel'Kazik (Pen (F), Counselor mentioned in Cantra's logbook who couldn't bear to be near the Tree[178])
  • vel'Siger (outworld, perhaps Moraldan) ((M), a presumptuous tourist[123])
  • ven'Apon (Jyl (F), a Master Trader involved in shady dealings[153][163])
  • ven'Astra (Lord ven'Astra (M), member of a group of High House conspirators seeking advantage from Korval's exile, having failed to swing the Council to execute Korval and confiscate their property[87])
    • Tom Lei heard beneath the words. “There were those of us who wished to see Korval themselves executed, the Dragon’s assets come to the Council...Alas, the Dragon had too many friends on the Council..." (Code of Honor)
    • “Lord ven’Astra is High House. There are others of his opinion who know me. Any one of them may decide that my betrayal of his lordship deserves the true death.” See Code of Honor
      • See also Clan Severt
  • ven'Ducci ((M), Master Pilot, piloting instructor on Dutiful Passage[124])
  • ven'Egut ((?), Agent of Change sent unsuccessfully against Anthora[172])
  • ven'Orikle (Claidyne (F), a director of the Department of the Interior who has a secret kept even from herself[223])
  • ven'Rathan ((F), Scout Administrative Commander responsible for prison holding agents of the Department of the Interior on Surebleak[67])
  • ven'Sambra (a trader encountered on Verstal[20])
  • ven'Tura ((M), Master Pilot, compiler of the ven'Tura Tables[224])
  • ven'Tyrlit (Ama (F), captain of Pale Wing[211])
  • ver'Borith (Rantel (F), technician aboard Elthoria[225])
  • ver'Fonat (Hosilee (F), Healer ensnared by the Department of the Interior[226])
  • ver'Lyn((?), of the qe'andra firm ver'Lyn and her'With[3])
  • ves'Daryl ((?), a Scout Captain with the Surebleak Transitional Team[123])
  • vey'Loffit (Her Ald (M), Scout Historian involved in Kareen's research into Surebleak's culture[227][228])
  • vey'Norember ((F), an experienced Trader considered for employment by Fer Gun pen'Uldra's new trade enterprise[122])
  • Vilander ((?), author of Vilander's Proverbs[99])
  • vin'Aqar (Ran Dom (M), a boorish tourist[229])
  • vin'Ard (Skale (F), a gang boss in Solcintra Low Port, allied to Lady voz'Laathi[113])
  • vin'Athen (Caz Dor (M), a Healer in the employ of the DOI[230])
  • vin'Tael ((M), a guest at Lady Kareen's gather[24])
  • vin'Tayla (Narna (F), Solcintra Portmaster[154])
  • vin'Zeller ((?), the architect designing yos'Galan's new house on Surebleak[231])
  • von'Eyr ((F), a Master Pilot stationed at Casiaport[44])
  • voz'Laathi (Beyavi (F), a gang boss who controls six blocks of territory in Solcintra Low Port[118][113])
  • yo'Bingim (Lina (F), a scout on Surebleak, "who still suffered occasional backslides into impudent puppyhood"[232][66])
  • yo'Dira (Caerli (F), who was thrown out of the Scouts and out of her clan for selling Old Tech on the black market[233])
  • yo'Hala (in the 7th century a contract-marriage between yo'Hala and yos'Phelium, with the child coming to yos'Phelium, inaugurated an alliance that lasted many years[234])
  • yo'Hatha ((F), part of Korval's social circle when Nova was First Speaker for Korval[149])
  • yo'Laney ((?), a trader[153])
  • yo'Lazne (Kon Rad (M), Scout Commander, Scout-in-Place at Klamath during the disaster[25])
  • yo'Nelon (Baan (M), Scout Pilot, one of Aelliana's students[110])
  • yo'Shomin (Fel Din (M), Scout Lieutenant[207])
  • yo'Taler ((?), a guest at one of yo'Lanna's gathers[27])
  • yo'Tonin (Hia Cyn (M), who made his living by leading High House lordlings into error[15])
  • yo'Tornier (Bar Vad (M), Commander of Agents in the Department of the Interior[235])
  • yo'Vala (?, Delm, can't stand cats; Win Ton, trainee scout, friend of Theo Waitley[89])
  • yo'Vestra (Her Nin (M), Kareen's close friend, another cornerstone of the League for the Purity of the Language[24][236])
  • yo'Vremil ((M), Scout Strategist[237])
  • yo'Zeamin ((?), Agent of Change sent unsuccessfully against Anthora[172])
  • yos'Arimyst (Therin (M), Hall Master at Irikwae's Trade Hall[238])
  • yos'Belin (Rand (F), a courier pilot[239])
  • yos'Casin (Elid (F), an agent of the Department of the Interior captured on Surebleak[240])
  • yos'Quentl (Nor Ton (M), a Linguist Specialist -- according to Val Con, under circumstances that cast doubt on the existence of Nor Ton yos'Quentl in particular and offer scant support for the existence of Line yos'Quentl in general)[241]
  • yos'Rida ((?), agent of the DoI[88])
  • yos'Senchul (Orn Ald (M), flight instructor at Anglingdin Piloting Academy on Eylot[242])
  • yos'Sandow ((?), a poet[243])
  • yos'Thadi (Ing Vie (M), Scout, hunter of Old Tech, captain of Chandra Marudas, gave Win Ton into the Uncle's hands after all other healing failed)[220]
  • yos'Vinder (Tir Sha (M), an Operative of the Department of the Interior stationed on Gondola[190][191])
  • yos'Wentroth (Niota (F), Scout Pilot, official observer of the Codrescu evacuation[244])


  1. Saltation, ch 18 Second Leap
  2. A Choice of Weapons Preface
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 "Street Cred" (non-canonical)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Trader's Leap, ch 9 "Dutiful Passage, Millsap Orbit"
  5. Certain Symmetry
  6. Local Custom ch 39
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Salvage Right: Station Day 52 Light Keeper’s Meeting Room
  8. Dragon Ship, Prelude
  9. Neogenesis, Surebleak, Jelaza Kazone
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Degrees of Separation, ch 3
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Degrees of Separation, ch 4
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Scout's Progress, ch 6
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Balance of Trade, Day 139, SY 1118
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 Scout's Progress, ch 8
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 "Certain Symmetry"
  16. I Dare, ch 28
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 The Rifle's First Wife
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 Scout's Progress, ch 24
  19. 19.0 19.1 "Sweet Waters"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Trade Secret, prologue
  21. Trade Secret, ch 28
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Scout's Progress, ch 5
  23. Scout's Progress, ch 16
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Mouse and Dragon, ch 31
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 Misfits
  26. 26.00 26.01 26.02 26.03 26.04 26.05 26.06 26.07 26.08 26.09 26.10 26.11 26.12 26.13 26.14 26.15 26.16 26.17 Scout's Progress, ch 26
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.8 27.9 Mouse and Dragon, ch 26
  28. 28.0 28.1 Plan B, ch 22
  29. 29.0 29.1 Balance of Trade, Day 178, SY 1118
  30. 30.0 30.1 Mouse and Dragon, chapter 30
  31. 31.0 31.1 Conflict of Honors, ch 49
  32. Conflict of Honors, ch 7
  33. Local Custom, ch 15
  34. Scout's Progress, ch 33
  35. 35.0 35.1 Alliance of Equals, ch 2
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 Due Diligence, ch 4
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 "A Choice of Weapons"
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 Balance of Trade, Day 107, SY 1118
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 Kin Ties
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 "Breath's Duty"
  41. 41.0 41.1 Scout's Progress, ch 7
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 42.6 Mouse and Dragon ch 18
  43. Trade Secret, ch 29
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 44.6 "Changeling"
  45. A Choice of Weapons
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 Plan B, ch 4
  47. 47.0 47.1 Carpe Diem, ch 3
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 The Gate That Locks the Tree, Act 2
  49. 49.0 49.1 Mouse and Dragon, ch 13
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 50.5 50.6 "From Every Storm a Rainbow"
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 Scout's Progress, ch 14
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 Landed Alien
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Saltation, ch 9
  54. 54.0 54.1 Saltation, ch 20
  55. 55.0 55.1 The Gathering Edge, ch 20
  56. Trade Secret, ch 18
  57. Trade Secret, ch 19
  58. 58.0 58.1 Scout's Progress, ch 9
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 "Ambient Conditions"
  60. "Preferred Seating"
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 Local Custom, ch 39
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 Local Custom, ch 33
  63. 63.0 63.1 Local Custom, ch 1
  64. Saltation, ch 24
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 65.3 65.4 "Phoenix"
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 66.3 66.4 "A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom"
  67. 67.0 67.1 67.2 67.3 Dragon in Exile, ch 1
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 Dragon in Exile, ch 11
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 Dragon in Exile, ch 12
  70. Dragon in Exile, ch 16
  71. Dragon in Exile, ch 33
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 72.3 72.4 Mouse and Dragon, ch 19
  73. Accepting the Lance, ch 35 "Blair Road, Boss Conrad's House"
  74. 74.0 74.1 74.2 Neogenesis, ch 1 part III
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 75.4 Balance of Trade, Day 106, SY 1118
  76. Balance of Trade, DAY 107 Standard Year 1118, Elthoria
  77. 77.0 77.1 Local Custom, ch 2
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 78.3 "Intelligent Design"
  79. 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 Scout's Progress, ch 25
  80. 80.0 80.1 Scout's Progress, ch 28
  81. 81.0 81.1 Carpe Diem, ch 68
  82. Carpe Diem, ch 2
  83. The Space at Tinsori Light
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 84.5 84.6 84.7 84.8 Degrees of Separation, ch 1
  85. 85.0 85.1 "Block Party"
  86. "Fortune's Favors", ch 2
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 87.4 87.5 87.6 Code of Honor
  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 Carpe Diem, ch 50 "Liad, Trealla Fantrol"
  89. 89.0 89.1 89.2 Fledgling, ch 20
  90. 90.0 90.1 90.2 Balance of Trade, Day 135, SY 1118
  91. 91.0 91.1 Balance of Trade, Day 140, SY 1118
  92. 92.0 92.1 92.2 Due Diligence, ch 2
  93. 93.0 93.1 Due Diligence, ch 1
  94. 94.0 94.1 I Dare, ch 49
  95. Roving Gambler
  96. 96.0 96.1 96.2 96.3 96.4 Local Custom, ch 32
  97. 97.0 97.1 "Chimera"
  98. 98.0 98.1 98.2 Skyblaze
  99. 99.0 99.1 99.2 Local Custom, ch 8
  100. Local Custom, ch 26
  101. Local Custom, chapter 17, preface
  102. A Choice of Weapons — “Lady yo’Lanna was his mother’s oldest friend among her peers in the High Houses”
  103. The Space at Tinsori Light
  104. 104.0 104.1 Dragon in Exile, ch 5
  105. 105.0 105.1 Ghost Ship, ch 8
  106. 106.0 106.1 Ghost Ship, ch 12
  107. Mouse and Dragon, ch 28
  108. Conflict of Honors, ch 35
  109. Conflict of Honors, ch 27
  110. 110.0 110.1 110.2 110.3 Scout's Progress, ch 3
  111. Necessity's Child, ch 35
  112. Necessity's Child, ch 8
  113. 113.0 113.1 113.2 113.3 113.4 113.5 113.6 113.7 "Our Lady of Benevolence"
  114. Scout's Progress, ch 20
  115. 115.0 115.1 Mouse and Dragon, ch 12
  116. 116.0 116.1 Trade Secret, ch 14
  117. Trade Secret, epilogue
  118. 118.0 118.1 118.2 118.3 118.4 "Fortune's Favors", ch 1
  119. Balance of Trade, Day 33, SY 1118
  120. 120.0 120.1 "Heirloom"
  121. 121.0 121.1 121.2 I Dare, ch 55
  122. 122.0 122.1 Due Diligence, ch 7
  123. 123.0 123.1 123.2 123.3 123.4 Dragon in Exile, ch 33
  124. 124.0 124.1 124.2 124.3 124.4 124.5 124.6 "Pilot of Korval"
  125. Scout's Progress, ch 29
  126. 126.0 126.1 126.2 126.3 "Shout of Honor"
  127. 127.0 127.1 Local Custom, ch 29
  128. Local Custom, ch 35
  129. 129.0 129.1 Scout's Progress, ch 4
  130. 130.0 130.1 Mouse and Dragon, ch 9
  131. 131.0 131.1 Mouse and Dragon, ch 16
  132. 132.0 132.1 Conflict of Honors, ch 22
  133. 133.0 133.1 133.2 Carpe Diem, ch 49
  134. Mouse and Dragon, ch 27
  135. Crystal Dragon, ch29-32
  136. 136.0 136.1 Local Custom, ch 31
  137. Agent of Change, ch 10
  138. "To Cut an Edge"
  139. Balance of Trade, Day 125, SY 1118
  140. 140.0 140.1 Conflict of Honors, ch 4
  141. Trader's Leap, ch 16 "Tarona Rusk, Meeting Space"
  142. I Dare, ch 10
  143. Alliance of Equals, ch 33
  144. 144.0 144.1 Balance of Trade, Day 66, SY 1118
  145. Local Custom, ch 3
  146. 146.0 146.1 Trader's Leap, ch 7 "Millsapport"
  147. 147.0 147.1 Scout's Progress, ch 10
  148. 148.0 148.1 Carpe Diem, ch 7
  149. 149.0 149.1 Conflict of Honors, ch 32
  150. Local Custom, ch 19
  151. 151.0 151.1 "This House"
  152. Alliance of Equals, ch 5
  153. 153.0 153.1 153.2 153.3 Local Custom, ch 13
  154. 154.0 154.1 154.2 Scout's Progress, ch 30
  155. Scout's Progress, ch 32
  156. Plan B, ch 17
  157. Necessity's Child, ch 11
  158. Accepting the Lance, "Six Against the Universe: Three"
  159. 159.0 159.1 159.2 Balance of Trade, Day 168, SY 1118
  160. Conflict of Honors, ch 15
  161. Conflict of Honors, ch 28
  162. Necessity's Child, ch 33
  163. 163.0 163.1 163.2 Local Custom, ch 28
  164. Carpe Diem, ch 31
  165. 165.0 165.1 Trader's Leap, ch 24 "Volmer"
  166. Mouse and Dragon, ch 29
  167. Mouse and Dragon, ch 34
  168. Dragon in Exile, Interlude 7
  169. Trader's Leap, ch 22 "Tarona Rusk, Her Proper Business"
  170. Mouse and Dragon, ch 37
  171. Necessity's Child, ch 3
  172. 172.0 172.1 172.2 Plan B, ch 34
  173. Local Custom, ch 7
  174. Dragon in Exile, Interlude 4
  175. 175.0 175.1 175.2 "Prodigal Son"
  176. Ghost Ship, ch 13
  177. 177.0 177.1 Balance of Trade, Day 161, SY 1118
  178. 178.0 178.1 Scout's Progress, ch 27
  179. Scout's Progress, ch 37
  180. Mouse and Dragon, ch 23
  181. Scout's Progress, ch 1
  182. Moon on the Hills
  183. Necessity's Child, ch 2
  184. Dragon in Exile, ch 21
  185. Balance of Trade, Day 116, SY 1118
  186. Scout's Progress, ch 15
  187. Dragon in Exile, ch 16
  188. Trader's Leap, ch 24 "Dutiful Passage, Rostermin Breakout"
  189. Necessity's Child, ch 15
  190. 190.0 190.1 Ghost Ship, ch 10
  191. 191.0 191.1 Ghost Ship, ch 11
  192. Local Custom, ch 6
  193. Balance of Trade, Day 177, SY 1118
  194. Local Custom, ch 25
  195. Dragon Ship, ch 12
  196. Ghost Ship, ch 4
  197. Mouse and Dragon, ch 4
  198. Mouse and Dragon, ch 15
  199. I Dare, ch 51
  200. "Fortune's Favors", ch 6
  201. "Fortune's Favors", ch 5
  202. Dragon Ship, ch 23
  203. Dragon in Exile, Interlude 6
  204. Accepting the Lance, ch 10 "Surebleak Port, Scout Headquarters"
  205. Conflict of Honors, ch 10
  206. Local Custom, ch 16
  207. 207.0 207.1 Balance of Trade, Day 165, SY 1118
  208. "Naratha's Shadow"
  209. Fledgling, ch 29
  210. I Dare, ch 9
  211. 211.0 211.1 Alliance of Equals, ch 6
  212. 212.0 212.1 "Shadow Partner"
  213. Balance of Trade, Day 63, SY 1118
  214. Trade Secret, ch 2
  215. Conflict of Honors, ch 3
  216. Dragon in Exile, ch 27
  217. Trader's Leap, ch 18 "Tarona Rusk, Her Proper Business"
  218. Dragon in Exile, ch 10
  219. Dragon in Exile, Interlude 5
  220. 220.0 220.1 The Gathering Edge, ch 37
  221. Accepting the Lance, ch 65 "Six of Us - Daglyte Seam"
  222. Accepting the Lance, ch 62 "Six of Us - Daglyte Seam"
  223. Dragon in Exile, Interlude 8
  224. Saltation, ch 10
  225. Balance of Trade, Day 123, SY 1118
  226. Trader's Leap, ch 6 "Tarona Rusk, Auxiliary Services"
  227. Dragon in Exile, ch 17
  228. Neogenesis, ch 20 part IV
  229. Dragon in Exile, ch 32
  230. Accepting the Lance, ch 43 "Six of Us - Jenarian Station"
  231. Alliance of Equals, ch 1
  232. Accepting the Lance, ch 56 "Jelaza Kazone - The Tree Court"
  233. "Dark Secrets"
  234. Carpe Diem, ch 24
  235. I Dare, ch 54
  236. "Daughter of Dragons"
  237. Accepting the Lance, ch 63 "Six of Us - Daglyte Seam"
  238. Balance of Trade, Day 166, SY 1118
  239. Trade Secret, ch 11
  240. Necessity's Child, ch 5
  241. Agent of Change, ch 5
  242. Saltation, ch 2
  243. I Dare, ch 48
  244. Dragon Ship, ch 27