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  • Hardcover edition published by Baen Books January 2018. Length 448 pages.
  • Also available in digital ebook format
  • Audiobook narrated by Eileen Stevens
  • The Space at Tinsori Light is included in the end of the book.

Synopsis, Book Description[]

"Menace from Back Space Looming out of the Dust of Time

The Complex Logic Laws were the result of a war waged hundreds of years in the past, when two human powers threw massive AI navies at each other and nearly annihilated themselves. Being human, they blamed their tools for this near miss; they destroyed what was left of the sentient ships, and made it illegal to be, manufacture, or shelter an independent logic.

Strangely, however, the Free Ships and other AIs did not turn themselves in or suicide, they merely became wary of humans, and stayed under their scans. A clandestine support network grew up, including hidden yards where smart ships were manufactured, and mentors--humans specially trained to ease a new intelligence into the universe--socialized them, and taught them what they needed to know to survive.

Among those with a stake in the freedom of Independent Logics is Theo Waitley, who is somewhat too famously the captain of intelligent ship Bechimo. Theo's brother, Val Con yos'Phelium, presides over a household that has for a generation employed an AI butler. Recently, he approved the "birth" of the butler's child, who was sent, with human mentor Tolly Jones, to rescue or destroy an orphaned AI abandoned at a remote space station.

Then there's Uncle, the shadowy mastermind from the Old Universe, whose many projects often skirt the boundaries of law, both natural and man-made – and the puppet-masters at the Lyre Institute, whose history is just as murky – and a good deal less honorable.

All have an interest in the newly-awakening Self-Aware Logic that is rumored to have the power to destroy universes.

The question is: Who will get to it first?" (Source: Amazon)

Recap Spoilers![]

Edmonton Beacon, in Neogenesis

Edmonton Beacon, in Neogenesis


A Spoilery Summation of the Book’s High Points!

Spoilers! Last Chance!

Yulie Shaper plants grapes and makes ice wine, assisted by Memit / Mary and others of The Bedel. TerraTrade survey team begins their accreditation investigation into Surebleak port. Haz, Tolly and Admiral Bunter escape the Lyre Institute. Meanwhile, Tocohl Lorlin and Inkirani Ro visit Edmonton Beacon’s Greybar to acquire the coordinates for Tinsori Light. There, Tocohl must kill to defend Inki. They then proceed to Tinsori where Inki sacrifices herself for Tocohl, who becomes the Light, aided by Tolly and others. Daav and Aelliana return to Surebleak young and in two bodies, a return complicated by the Uncle and his sister Tassi, Seignur Veeoni. Theo returns to Surebleak and Val Con delivers a judgement that gives Bechimo and all Independent Logics free personhood if they are socialized. Ren Zel, Anthora yos'Galan and The Tree repair the vulnerable universe, locking the portal that leads to the Great Evil in the old universe, the Sheriekas. The old universe dies. A small ship belonging to the Clutch Turtles appears on the horizon.
