Liaden Wiki


  • Accazi - [ah-CAH-zee] (Terran) = Do you understand?
  • Al'bresh venat'i - [ahl-BRESH ven-AH-tay] (High Liaden) = Formal phrase of sorrow for another Clan's loss, as when someone dies.
  • Al'kin Chernard'i - [ahl-KIN chair-NAR-dee] (High Liaden) = "The Day Without Delight"
  • A'nadelm - [ah' NAH-delm] (High Liaden) = Heir to the nadelm
  • A'thodelm - [ah' THO-delm (soft TH)] (High Liaden) = Head-of-Line-to-Be
  • A'trezla - [ah' TREHZ-lah] (High Liaden) = Lifemates


  • Balent'i Kalandon - [bal-EHN-tay kal-an-DOHN] (High Liaden) = Our local galaxy
  • Balent'i tru'vad - [bal-EHN-tay troo-VAHD] (High Liaden) = The starweb of all creation
  • Bits = Terran Currency


  • Cha'dramliza (PLURAL: cha'dramliz) = Healer (this is the word Win Ton can find no Terran analog for[1])
  • Cha'leket - [shah' leh-KEHT] (Low Liaden) = Heartkin (heartbrother, heartsister); a person for whom one feels a sibling's affection
  • Cha'trez - [SHAH' trehz] (Low Liaden) = approximately Heartsong[2]
  • Chernubia - [CHAIR-noo-bee-ah] (Low Liaden) = Confected delicacy
  • Chiat'a bei kruzon - [SHEE-ah-tah bay kru-ZAHN] (High Liaden) = Dream sweetly
  • Ckrakec - [C!KRAH-kek] (derived from the Yxtrang) = Approximately 'Master Hunter' (when dealing with Yxtrang pronunciation is the LEAST of your worries <g>)
  • Coab minshak'a - [co-AB min-SHAH-kah] = 'Necessity exists'
  • Conselem - [con-sel-EHM] = an absurdity
  • Chonselta - [Kon-SEL-tah] = a city on Liad, located across a body of water from Solcintra, with its own spaceport and a distinctly different accent
  • Crelm - [krelm] = Gordon Arbuthnot's preferred interjection


  • Daibri'at = a gentle, graceful, meditative dance, of which Padi yos'Galan strongly disapproves (Alliance of Equals)
  • Delm - [like helm] (High Liaden) = Head of Clan (Delm Korval, Korval Himself/Herself)
  • Delmae - [del-MAY] (High Liaden) = Lifemate to the Delm
  • Denubia - [deh-NOO-bee-ah] (Low Liaden) = Darling
  • Dramliza (PLURAL: dramliz) [drahm-LEE-zah] (High Liaden) = A wizard.
  • Dri'at - [DREE-aht] (High Liaden) = Left (direction)


  • Eklykt'i - [ehk-leh-KEE-tee] (High Liaden) = Unreturned
  • Ekly'teriva - Liaden = the ship unseen, shadow ship (Saltation)
  • Eldema - [el-DAY-mah] (High Liaden) = First Speaker (most times, the Delm)
  • Eldema-pernard'i - [el-DAY-mah per-NAR-dee] (High Liaden) = First-Speaker-In-Trust
  • Entranzia volecta - [ehn-THRAN-zee] (High Liaden) = Good greetings[2]


  • Fa'vya - [FAH'vee-yah] (High Liaden) = an aphrodisiac laced wine sold at Festival (also fa'vyaan)
  • Flaran Cha'menthi [FLAIR-an chah-MEHN-thee] (High Liaden) = 'I(/We) Dare'; Korval's motto


  • Galan'ranubiet - [?](?) = Treasures of the House
  • Galandaria - [gah-LAN-dree-ah] (High Liaden) = Countryperson, Confederate, comrade
  • Ge'shada - [geh-SHAH-dah] (High Liaden) = congratulations
  • Glavda Empri = yo'Lanna's house



  • I'ganin brath'a, vyan se'untor = Play with the body, rest the mind
  • Ilania frrogudon palon dox - [ee-LAHN-ya frrogh-goo-DOHN PAL-ohn DOX] (roll rr's in frrogudon)(approx) = Young ladies should speak more gently
  • I'lanta - [ee-LAHN-tah] (High Liaden) = Right (direction)
  • Illanga kilachi - [ee-LAHN-gah kee-LAH-chee (hard g in Illanga, like "go")] (Low Liaden) = (no translation available)
  • Indra - [IHN-drah] (Low Liaden) = Uncle


  • Jelaza Kazone - [jeh-LAH-za kah-ZONE] (High Liaden) = Jela's Fulfillment, The Tree, also Korval's Own House.
  • Juntavas = thieves, gray-traders, pilots are warned to avoid (Pilots' Guild Handbook)[3]


  • Kaprian = Liaden dance (Ghost Ship)
  • Katrain = the number of qe'andra who negotiated the terms of Korval's exile
  • Kazino = Gambling game similar to roulette
  • Korval-pernard'i = See "Eldema-pernard'i"


  • Lazenia spandok - [la-ZEE-nyah span-DOCK] (Low Liaden) = Liaden expletive, Son of a bitch (REAL approximate)
  • Liad - [LEE-ad] = planet in the Hipaishen Sector
  • Liaden - [lee-AY-den] = a small, golden-skinned, fiercely competitive race, of/belonging to Liad.


  • Megelaar - [MAY-geh-lar (hard g like "get")] = The Dragon on Korval's shield
  • Melant'i - [meh-LAHN-tee] (High Liaden) = Liaden code of conduct, who one is in relation to current circumstances. ALSO who one is in sum, encompassing all possible persons one might be (see A Terran's Guide to Liad[4])
  • Menfri'at - [men-FREE-aht] (High Liaden) = Liaden martial art
  • Mirada - [mee-RAH-dah] (Low Liaden) = Father
  • Misravot - [MISS-rah-vaht] = Altanian wine; blue in color
  • Misravon - [MISS-rah-vohn] = Altanian wine; a lesser vintage than Misravot


  • Nadelm - [NAH-delm] (High Liaden) = Delm-to-Be, Heir to the Delm
  • Nadelmae = Lifemate to the delm-to-be
  • Nubiantil = sweet young thing (The Gathering Edge)
  • Nubiath'a - [noo-bee-AH-tha (soft th like "think")] (Low Liaden) = Gift given to end an affair of pleasure


  • Onagrata - On Delgado, the man a scholar takes as her mate


  • Palesci modassa - [pah-LESS-ee mo-DAH-sah] (High Liaden) = Thank you
  • Pernard'i = See Eldema-pernard'i
  • Prena'ma - [preh-NAH-mah] (High Liaden) = Storyteller
  • Presta = Liaden dance (Ghost Ship)
  • Prethliu - [PRETH-loo] (High Liaden) = Rumorbroker


  • Qe'andra - [kay-AHN-drah] (High Liaden) = Man of business; accountant, negotiator, attorney, representative
  • Qua'lechi - [kwa-LEH-chee] = Exclamation of horror


  • Relumma - [reh-LOO-mah] (High Liaden) = Quarter of a Liaden year, equalling 96 Standard days


  • Solcintra - [Sol-KIN-trah] = Capital city of Liad, location of all sections of the main spaceport. Named for the world in the Old Universe from which the Liaden Migration began.


  • Thawla - [THAW-lah] (Low Liaden) = Mother (approximately Mommy)
  • Thawlana = thaw-LAH-nah, (Low Liaden) = Grandmother
  • Thodelm - [THOH-delm] (High Liaden) = Head of Line (also Thodelmae)
  • Tra'sia volecta - [THRAH-see-ya vo-LECT-a] (Low Liaden) = Good morning
  • Trealla Fantrol - [tree-AHL-lah fan-TROL] = The yos'Galan house



  • Valcon Berant'a - [VAL'CON behr-AHN-tah] = Dragon's Price or Dragon Hoard, the name of Korval's valley.
  • Valcon Melad'a - [VAL'CON meh-LAH-dah] = Dragon's Way, the Delm's Own ship
  • van'chela - [vahn-CHAY-lah] (Low Liaden) = beloved friend
  • va'netra - [vah-NEH-trah] (Low Liaden) = charity case, lame puppy
  • vas'dramliz = those with "small talents" that don't qualify them to be trained as Healers or wizards[5]
  • volentra = Liaden dance (Ghost ship)
  • vot'itzen (Low Liaden) = in good time[6]




  • Yxtrang - [eks-TRANG] = Ancient Liaden enemy


  • zerkam'ka - [zair-KAHM-kah] (Low Liaden) = kinslayer


  1. Fledgeling
  2. 2.0 2.1 Agent of Change, ch 20
  3. Mouse and Dragont, ch 19
  4. Mouse an Dragon, ch 15
  5. Trader's Leap, ch 9 "Dutiful Passage, Millsap Orbit"
  6. Trader's Leap, ch 1 "Dutiful Passage, Langlast Departure"