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This page offers a simple listing of active characters only. For a complete and historic list see Clan Korval

Korval Clan Tree

Clan Tree with Possible Spoilers


Dragons Korval Colorful



Anne, Er Thom, Daav, Aelli Pilot’s Choice cover
  • Petrella yos'Galan -- Chi's identical twin sister, born of Larin yos'Galan and Kin Dal yos'Phelium. Like her twin sister Chi yos'Phelium, she has genes from both Lines. Master Trader on Dutiful Passage
  • Sae Zar yos'Galan - Petrella's eldest son. Master Trader on Dutiful Passage
  • Er Thom yos'Galan - Lifemate to Anne Davis. Father to Shan, Anthora, and Nova. Foster father to Val Con and cha'leket to Daav yos'Phelium. Master Trader and master pilot
    • Deceased; died of heartbreak one year after his lifemate Anne
  • Anne Davis - Lifemate to Er Thom yos’Galan. Mother to Shan, Nova and Nova. Foster mother to Val Con. Aunt to Gordon Arbuthnot. Professor and musician. Dead; probably murdered by The Department of the Interior
    • Elizabeth Murphy - Anne's mother, First class, light transport to trade class AAA (deceased) [1]
    • Ian Davis - Anne's father, engineer (deceased)[2]
    • "the old gaffer" - Anne's grandfather, a finder / water witch: "He found other things, too," she said in accented, though clear, Liaden. "Lost sheep. Jewelry, once or twice. A missing child. But mostly he stuck to water." She shrugged. "If you listen to the talk on New Dublin, all the ancestors were —- fey, we say. It adds color to the family tree."[3]
    • Richard Davis - Anne's brother, First-class pending Master Pilot[1], a master story teller[4] The "Richard A. Davis Portmaster Aid Foundation" - Momson Cloaks ("Breath's Duty")
      • Rosie - Richard's intended
    • Gordy/ Gordon Arbuthnot — Anne Davis’ great-nephew. grandson of Richard and Rosie, "Foster-son of Shan and Priscilla, as well as Shan’s true-cousin, on the Terran side." [5] graduated from cabin boy on Dutiful Passage to pilot (third class?) and associate trader. Full Trader status achieved [6]
      • Morgan - Gordy's step-father
  • Shan yos'Galan - Priscilla's lifemate. Er Thom and Anne's first-born child. Nova and Anthora's brother. Padi's father and Gordon's foster father. Val Con's cousin and cha'leket and foster brother. Master Trader and Master Pilot on Dutiful Passage, and a Healer
  • Priscilla Delacroix y Mendoza - Shan’s lifemate, pilot on Dutiful Passage, and a dramliza
    • goddess sends them a child soon (Alliance of Equals)
  • Padi yos'Galan - Shan’s daughter and heir, apprentice trader, pilot, comes the dragon dramliza at age 17; [7] achieves Full Trader garnet before eighteenth nameday [8]
    • Vestin yos'Thomaz Clan Ebrim - Padi's mother (by contract)[9]
  • Nova yos'Galan - Er Thom and Ann's daughter, Shan and Anthora's sister, Syl Vor's mother, Val Con's cousin/foster-sister, First Speaker, pilot, Boss Conrad’s executive assistant “Boss Nova”, etc.
  • Syl Vor - Nova’s son, about 11 years old at the Rock, during Plan B (Korval’s strategy) in Hidden Resources
    • Kezzi of The Bedel - Syl Vor’s foster sister, same age roughly
  • Anthora yos'Galan - Er Thom and Ann's daughter, Shan’s younger sister, Val Con's cousin / foster sister, Ren Zel's lifemate, Shindi and Mik's mother, pilot, a powerful dramliza
  • Ren Zel dea'Judan - lifemate to Anthora, pilot on Dutiful Passage, a powerful dramliza
    • they recently conceived a child (Neogenesis)
  • Shindi yos'Galan - Anthora's toddler daughter, Mik's twin, born SY 1392
  • Mik yos'Galan - Anthora's toddler son, Shindi's twin


Luken bel'Tarda rug merchant

It's not clear how Line bel'Tarda is "biologically" related to yos'Phelium or yos'Galan, if at all, but the story of how Line bel’Tarda joined with Korval is told in Heirloom

  • Luken bel'Tarda, Pat Rin’s foster father
  • Luken’s daughter, Danise bel’Tarda

Extended Kin[]

Adopted or Seen into the extended clan

Intelligent Design Jeeves concept art

excerpt Intelligent Design

Rys Lin pen'Chala - his names

Rys Lin, Val Con’s brother

  • Hakan Meltz - “seen” by Val Con, a friend on planet Vandar [16]
“My decision to See Hakan Meltz. At the time, I stood as thodelm of yos'Phelium, so it was not a thing done lightly. And yos'Phelium abandons a brother even less readily than Korval relinquishes a child."[17]
  • Nelirikk — Lieutenant Nelirikk nor'Phelium, “Beautiful” -Aide to Captain Miri Robertson [18]
  • Diglon & Hazenthull nor'Phelium - Korval House Guard [19]
  • Clan Erob -- on planet Lytaxin, a Liaden world. Cantra’s ancient ally in escaping the Sheriekas and finding the Liaden universe. Korval breeds with Line Tiazan of Clan Erob every third generation, so they are distant cousins


  1. 1.0 1.1 Local Custom, ch 9
  2. Local Custom, ch 10
  3. Local Custom, chapter 39
  4. Conflict of Honors
  5. I Dare DAY 54 Standard Year 1393 Passage Jump
  6. Trader’s Leap
  7. Alliance of Equals
  8. Trader’s Leap Dutiful Passage Rostermin Breakout
  9. Alliance of Equals, ch 2
  10. I Dare DAY 54 Standard Year 1393 Passage Jump
  11. Intelligent Design
  12. Necessity’s Child
  13. Necessity’s Child, ch 20-21
  14. Dragon in Exile
  15. To Cut an Edge & Carpe Diem
  16. Carpe Diem
  17. Prodigal Son
  18. Plan B
  19. Plan B & I Dare